WITAP is currently working to complete 10 projects. The projects were chosen to align with the Travel Demand Generator Model, which states that Research should drive the Product, which should drive the Brand, which drives the Marketing, which ultimately drives the Demand. Therefore, WITAP’s initial projects fall under the first 3 categories; Research, Product, and Brand.
Research >> Product >> Brand >> Marketing >> Demand
Compile research findings that will serve as a guide to an archaeological investigation of several of the islands which, in turn, will be a key factor in future development and management of the islands.
1. Document and interpret the heritage of the wild islands
To prepare a comprehensive and authoritative cultural history of the wild islands with a database heritage inventory of all of the roughly 400 islands within the area. These research findings will serve to guide an archaeological investigation of the islands most likely to have cultural resources showcasing Pre-Contact, Contact and/or historic period use.
2. Archaeological survey of the wild islands
To conduct a professional archaeological survey of as many as twenty islands, consisting of reconnaissance conducted by boat and on-foot (with appropriate permits). Encountered cultural resources would be left undisturbed, but documented in detail in a report (in accordance with the Special Places Protection Act).