WITAP is currently working to complete 10 projects. The projects were chosen to align with the Travel Demand Generator Model, which states that Research should drive the Product, which should drive the Brand, which drives the Marketing, which ultimately drives the Demand. Therefore, WITAP’s initial projects fall under the first 3 categories; Research, Product, and Brand.
Research >> Product >> Brand >> Marketing >> Demand
The creation of an effective brand statement and development of digital media aides.
9. Develop a brand/identity
To create a brand statement, name and visual identity for the archipelago of wild islands that has been tested in the target markets and found to be effective in enticing visitors to the area.
10. Prepare content for online marketing
To create the structure and content for a branded website, social media, and self-directed digital tour strategy that will utilize existing, readily available information, that is easily updated and ready to “go live” once a long-term website management service has been secured.