The first in a series of community open houses was conducted during the afternoon and evening of October 27, 2015 (the second series scheduled for February, 2016). The open houses consisted of a plenary presentation summarizing the draft strategic plan and a mixer which provided opportunities for attendees to visit a series of information stations to discuss the plan with working group members. The stations were themed on the plan’s Vision, Mission, seven Strategic Objectives and positioning and brand ideas.
Following are the results of the inputs received from attendees.
Community Inputs to STEP Draft Mission Statement
To position and advance Musquodoboit Harbour-Sherbrooke as a dynamic new in-demand destination offering the best-designed touring, outdoor and nature infrastructure and experiences in Nova Scotia.
→Need to label the shore and brand it
→Engage the aboriginal people of Nova Scotia in this process for their input and ancient skills
→Look-out info stops – history
→Rest stops – Look outs, winter there are no stops between Jeddore and Sheet Harbour for any washroom facilities, roads, information areas
→Be sure you have what you are selling – don’t create expectations that are unrealistic
→Our tourist’s biggest comment is fix the roads
→People, tour busses, cruises are tired of seeing Nova Scotia the same way over and over. The Eastern Shore offers a new product that is waiting to be discovered
Community Inputs to STEP Draft Vision Statement
(Musquodoboit Harbour-Sherbrooke is internationally recognized as a sustainable one-of-a-kind Canadian coastal nature-based destination offering outstanding touring, outdoor, cultural and culinary experiences.)
→Too long, should be two sentences – less adjectives and more direct – eco, tourism, adventure
→Recreational fishing – tuna and shark
→Nature based culinary experiences, local products, and wild islands – eat wild meat, deer, moose, pheasant, etc
→Support local art and artisan, historical artisans
→Nature based destination
→`Needs to be in line with other economic activities – will be some conflict
→More boat tours
→Tourism is activities-driven –target 30 something eco-tourist
→Canadian, coastal, engaging, touring experience
→Lobster/Clam/Mussel Boil on the beach – getting clams/mussels themselves
Community Inputs to Draft Strategic Objective # 1
(To adopt and adhere to a set of strategic guiding principles)
→ Jobs – Spinoffs – Year Round jobs
→We all need to be promoters of our products on the Eastern Shore when someone visits our businesses, we need to encourage them to also visit one another in the area
→This seems more like a principle than a strategic outcome
→Objective seems vague
→ Chicken before Egg – if we only have accommodations for one bus tour, how do we promote ourselves as a destination, we need infrastructure and entrepreneurial initiatives
→Keep our people making a decent living in our own community, do something exciting and different as opposed to a call centre for example
→ Infrastructure, branding, capacity building (new jobs, new businesses), collaboration
→New jobs that work for the communities
Community Inputs to Draft Strategic Objective # 2
(To lead a strategic planning process that is reasonable, functional and effective and is based on a clear set of priorities)
→Add that it is area realistic
→Plan yearly – what and where will this be in 1 year, 5 years, etc
→Don’t pit one industry/resource /community against another
→Need to set out priorities to fit everyone
→This seems more like a principle than a strategic outcome; the plan done in this way will be the outcome
→What are the priorities
→What are the 5, 10, 20 year goals
Community Inputs to Draft Strategic Objective #3
(To define the destination area based on an unequivocal unique selling proposition (USP) which enhances the destination’s profile within NSTA and by extension the international marketplace)
→The Islands and their history: People, fishing, etc
→Home – friendly and serene
→We have cottage crafts and a diverse artistic community long the Eastern shore, for example the old Anderson House Craft Shop & Art Gallery and the Old School Art Gallery in Musquodoboit Harbour
→Marine Aquariums – Aquariums draw people – the most popular attraction in cities that have them
→Be careful about overselling the Eastern Shore – It is nice here, I love it but that is personal. Sell what we have
→The area from Spry Bay to Bickerton has a very active arts/crafts association with a board of directors who meet on a monthly basis with a mandate to promote the work of local artists. An annual bursary is awarded to a graduating student pursuing a career in the arts.
→ Islands, Ocean, Nature
→The beaches, the islands, the history
→Don’t forget fresh water assets, great canoeing in Tangier, no marked access!
→Considered best tasting fish due to the Labrador off shore current
Community Inputs to Draft Strategic Objective # 4
(To convince key influencers, communities, residents and investors that the destination area has outstanding destination potential)
→To develop a culture of sharing and openness with our knowledge, talents, history, vision, accomplishments, not viewing tourists as an inconvenience or nuisance
→Pristine coastline, uninhabited island, hiking, canoeing, wilderness like you have never seen
→Have the communities involved in the process (what is our brand?)
→Provide funding for key buildings to be converted to B&Bs as close to island destination as possible
→Artists – Accommodations – Food – Boat tours – kayaking – birders
→Liability Insurance for B&Bs and Boat Tours
→Aquarium – display local flora and fauna – clean water supply for marine life
→”Off season” Local fisherman have the skills to transport tourist on the boats to the off shore islands – for example Murphy’s Campsite boat tours, this resource needs to be utilized as an extra source of revenue for the fishermen on their ‘ down time’ Liability insurance could be investigated
→Engage key influencers
Community Inputs to Draft Strategic Objective #5
(To capitalize on the remarkable achievements of the 100 Wild Islands and other initiatives relating to the region’s protected islands and associated headlands)
→Develop purchasable tourism product that gives people access to the islands
→Partnerships between the nature trust and communities to build an interpretive centre
→Yes! Marine Parks Network
→I am afraid this has limitations for winter, older folks and people with disabilities, etc. Suggest the islands are important but don’t stand alone
→Love the brand “Road to the Isles” – Archipelago is not a known item
→Working with school children in protecting our future environment
→Develop historic skills: Build a log cabin, build a boat (canoe), build a stone chimney, learn to be a black smith and make tools (ancient skills/art like Vikings)
→Keep residents aware of the steps, we don’t want any surprises, opportunities available like boating, hiking but make opportunities available to start a venture not a select few
→Highlights of islands – history, hiking, camping, sailing, kayaking
Community Inputs to Draft Strategic Objective #6
(To generate a new generation of experiences that are linked to the Musquodoboit Harbour-Sherbrooke, 100 Wild Islands and Nova Scotia brands)
→Cook/Boil periwinkle – escargot
→offer wilderness survival skills courses – live in underdeveloped wood area with a guide, go for short hikes through wild woods with a machete to clear branches
→ Yes it is unique
→Even without assistance from government the Eastern Shore could immediately enhance tourism by developing interesting “experiences for tourists to purchase
→Company retreats in a pristine setting, revitalize your work force with artist led workshops (lots of artists/crafts people) on Easter Shore along with healthy recreational activities, walking at Taylor Head, kayaking the Islands
→What are our outdoor experiences – kayaking, mussel picking, fishing, hiking, treasure hunting, pirate’s moonshine
→Lobster dinner – lesson on how to cook and eat the fixings, mussel boil, island drop offs
→Kids love crab fishing, parents like kids, like crab fishing
→Change generate to develop
→More than just outdoor experiences are needed, need to consider seniors and people with disabilities
→People want to experience the ocean in whatever aspect their interest lies, sometimes just to look at and touch or feel the ocean water
Community Inputs to Draft Strategic Objective #7
(To enrich the quality of life for residents of the destination area)
→ Increase employment to maintain a community
→Increased visitation equals increased revenue which helps local businesses
→ Weight loss, health and well-being at forefront
→Provide increased access points or service points for the residents as well as tourists – “this is my back yard”
→Fund employees for businesses that are struggling
→This will have to be managed during implementation – There will be resistance – demonstrate or build positive over time
→Governments are destroying small towns/villages re: centralizing in cities needs rethinking
→Trains or buses would help!
→Employment opportunities, promote local businesses especially B&Bs and Motels
→Establishing a marina in the area can only help/encourage growth in a positive way
Theme and Branding Directions
→The sanctuary islands
→The wild sanctuary islands
→Eastern Shore Atlantic Archipelago
→Need Eastern Shore in title
→Atlantic Canada’s/Nova Scotia’s Wild Islands – creates a feeling of mystery/adventure that we are trying to convey = Eastern Shore doesn’t have the same appeal/allure
→The Wild Island Coast
→Nova Scotia or Eastern Shore Ragged Island Coast
→Wild Islands Shore
→Nova Scotia Eastern Shore Archipelago
→Wake up to the Eastern Shore
→Awaken on the Eastern Shore
→The Eastern Shore is awake or has awoken
→Visit Nova Scotia’s Wild Side
→Survive the Wild Islands
→I don’t like Archipelago from a promotion perspective
→Wild Islands differentiated Eastern Shore’s islands from other island in Nova Scotia
→Awakening of the Eastern Shore Experience
→Jewel of Nova Scotia
→Hidden Secret of Nova Scotia Unearthed